Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Examples should be obtained and installed in ...

What Escherichia coli? Koliformni a wide class of bacteria in the environment, including human feces and so warm-blooded animals. Availability koliformnyh bacteria in drinking water may indicate the possible presence of harmful pathogens. Why use coliforms to indicate the water quality? Drinking water should be free from pathogenic organisms, called pathogens. Pathogens can be viruses, protozoa and bacteria. Aquatic pathogens causing diseases such as hepatitis, giardiasis, and dysentery. To really test the water for specific harmful viruses, protozoa and bacteria are very time consuming and expensive. In addition, not all laboratories are equipped with water and approved to do testing is necessary. Thus, testing water for specific organisms is limited to investigations of specific water disease outbreaks. Intestinal bacteria are used as indicators of water quality for two main reasons:

koliformnyh presence of bacteria in water indicates possible contamination and potential risk to health. Sample containers can be lifted in all offices of health district in normal working hours. Request bacteriological or koliformnyh analysis. Samples must be received and installation within 30 hours of trial and stored in a cool place during transport. When collecting samples care not to contaminate the sample container. Back to the crane where you draw your drinking water and remove aerators, screens and other strattera dosing devices. Turn on the water at moderate flow and let run for at least 3 minutes. No change in flow, take your sample. Leave a ½ inch air space at the top of the bottle. Close the bottle and return it to the laboratory as soon as possible. Drinking water is analyzed for coliforms will be presented as satisfactory (no coliforms) or unsatisfactory (coliforms present). If drinking water tested unsatisfactory, you should have received information on how to treat your health. If you have not received this information, please contact 460 4206 lab or environmental health department at 460 4205. Information can be sent to you by post or instructions can be provided on request. If drinking water tested unsatisfactory, it may be contaminated with pathogenic organisms. It is important that you not drink water, and that appropriate action until the problem is fixed. One option is to get bottled water from safe sources on a temporary basis. Another option is to boil water vigorously for 3-5 minutes to make it safe from bacterial contamination. If the stick is not present in your drinking water samples (you get a satisfactory result), it means that your and probably free of pathogens in the sample. Make sure your water tested annually, more often if you notice a change in taste and odor of water, or if there are changes in the environment of your region and management (eg, floods). Protection from possible contamination as important. For more information and / or assistance, please contact the Department of Environmental Health on 460 4205 or BFHD laboratory at 460 4206. .

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